The point of the Christian life is to stand in radical solidarity with everyone and everything else. This is the full, final, and intended effect of the Incarnation—symbolized by the cross, which is God’s great act of solidarity instead of judgment.
—Richard Rohr
The birth of Jesus, the incarnation of God into the world, is the paradigmatic act of solidarity. God so loved the world that God took human form. It was total identification with the human condition, total solidarity with human history.
—Renny Golden
Our solidarity is a scientific fact, as well as the salvific act of a loving Savior and a wise and guiding Holy Spirit. Even our call to solidarity is exemplified by the Divine.
—Barbara Holmes
The cross was Jesus’ voluntary acceptance of undeserved suffering as an act of total solidarity with the pain of the world. Reflecting on this mystery of love can change our lives.
—Richard Rohr
If universal kinship, solidarity, communion with God, with ourselves, and with the rest of the world, is daily experienced and lived, we do have a very grounded plan and runway for peacemaking, justice work, social reform, civil and human rights—but now from a very positive place, where “I and the Father are one.”
—Richard Rohr
Christ comes to us not only in prayer, not only in beautiful celebrations like those that we experience in church on the great festivals and holidays, but also in those who are hungry and thirsty for our presence and our love, in those who ask us for help.
—Adam Bucko
Litany of the Holy Spirit
Richard Rohr penned sixty-five descriptive names to invoke the Holy Spirit. In this litany, Richard shares these descriptions and invites us to contemplate what the Holy Spirit means for our own lives. We encourage you to read these slowly, with conscious and deep breaths. To hear Richard read the full litany, visit this webpage.
Pure Gift of God
Indwelling Presence
Life of Jesus
Pledge and Guarantee
Eternal Praise
Inner Anointing
Reminder of the Mystery
Homing Device
Knower of All Things
Stable Witness
Overcomer of the Gap
Always Already Awareness
Compassionate Observer
Magnetic Center
God Compass
Inner Breath
Divine DNA
Richard Rohr, “Litany of the Holy Spirit,” Center for Action and Contemplation, July 22, 2020, YouTube video, 12:32.
Audio taken from Father Richard’s homily on Pentecost Sunday, June 9, 2019.
Image credit: A path from one week to the next—CAC Staff, Untitled, watercolor. Izzy Spitz, Field Study 2, oil pastel on canvas. Izzy Spitz, Everything at Once, digital oil pastel on canvas. Used with permission. Click here to enlarge image.
Artist Statement (Izzy Spitz): “Chemistry of self” [collection of images] is a visual diary of varying emotions of my day-to-day life. It’s an act of presence in a world of existential overwhelm and grounding in the gifts of mundane life.