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Center for Action and Contemplation

Daily Meditations Team

Many hearts, heads, and hands go into creating Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations. We invite you to learn more about the team behind this important CAC program.

The Visitor Gate at the CAC Main Building

Daily Meditations Team

Founding Editor

Richard Rohr

publications Manager

Mark Longhurst


Ali Kirkpatrick


Judy Traeger*


Brandon Wrencher*

Research Librarian

Therese Terndrup*


Jenna Keiper

*Independent Contractor

Fr. Richard introduces the Daily Meditations Managing Editor Mark Longhurst, and they speak together about the process of crafting the emails and the Team behind them.

A Team Effort: Behind the Scenes

Get an inside look at the process of curating Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations.

Managing Editor Mark Longhurst reveals how the Daily Meditations are created — from an idea to your inbox.

Stitching words

A longtime CAC Board member once compared what I do to a seamstress. He said I stitch together words from Richard and others…

Judy Traeger reflects on what it’s like to draft a Daily Meditation.

Integrated Editing

I look for material that can aid the process of integration: moving what we read from our minds to our hearts and out through our hands...

Ali Kirkpatrick shares about her process of editing.

Searching for Sources

As a research librarian, I contribute by locating sources to support the paragraphs, sentences, or phrases quoted in the Meditations.

Therese Terndrup writes about the surprising process of finding sources.

Contemplative Art

From nearly the very beginning, the Daily Meditations have included an image at the top. 

Jenna Keiper sees choosing images as an opportunity to receive the moment just as it is. 

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