We are each a sacred image of the Divine. We are co-creators with God, so we must respect our own embodiment—and the sacred embodiment of the other.
—Richard Rohr
Queerness is a place of my own unlimited becoming, and its innate connection to the Divine, nature, and my fellow humans.
—Cassidy Hall
Sexuality is what draws us beyond our own boundaries into the service, intimacy, and vulnerability of human relationships. Our deepest desires thrust us into these places of tenderness that come with meaningful human connection.
—Christine Valters Paintner
How does this secret of intimacy become unhidden? Only when we stop hiding—from God, from ourselves, and from at least one other person.
—Richard Rohr
Passion is that divine energy within human beings, the love of God, that compels them toward life-giving, life-producing, and life-affirming activity and relationships in regard to all of God’s creation.
—Kelly Brown Douglas
God’s way of loving is the only licensed teacher of human sexuality. God’s passion created ours. Our deep desiring is a relentless returning to that place where all things are one. If we are afraid of our sexuality, we are afraid of God.
—Richard Rohr
Week Twenty-Four Practice
Beautiful Possibilities
Poet Robert Monson writes of the beauty and possibilities endowed within our human flesh and all of creation:
Beautiful Possibilities
Each day emerges from the last
and potentials rise to kiss the sky.
In this place between
starshine and clay
we gather.
Beautiful Flesh.
The stuff of stars
and matter,
Today mattering
slowly but patiently
emerging into
beautiful possibilities.
And only time will tell of
and speak to
the way our possibilities
will merge with one another’s.
Hurting we emerge
hopeful we emerge
Knowing that in this place,
our sacred flesh isn’t just tolerated,
but welcomed,
sought for.
Robert Monson, “Beautiful Possibilities,” enfleshed.com. Used with permission of author.
Image credit and inspiration: Nina Hill, untitled (detail), 2020, photo, Unsplash. Click here to enlarge image. The connective energy of human touch, entwining our hands and our hearts. We are not alone.