The Man in the Maze

Father Richard and a small group of co-founders began the work of the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) in a former barracks next to Holy Family Parish in Albuquerque, NM, in 1987. They hosted teach-ins for local activists and faith leaders – on topics like contemplation, liberation theology, and social action — and released the first issue of Radical Grace, a newsletter where Fr. Richard shared his vision for CAC as a modern-day “school for prophets” focused on raising up prophetic leaders rooted in an abiding awareness of God’s healing presence and action in themselves and the world.
The CAC came into being through a group of people committing themselves in service to a vision of contemplative movement and renewal – something hopeful and needed – together. That same shared vision and spirit of willingness enables our work to continue, to serve our community, and to grow through every thing – among all our staff, faculty, board members, volunteers, donors, and community of seekers – all the way to today.
As we enter the final weeks of 2021, let us walk in solidarity together knowing that we are more one than we are many.
In that oneness, we say Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!
“When reflecting on the Center for Action and Contemplation’s 34th year, I thought of the ‘Man in the Maze’ image from the O’odham people (of what is now Arizona) as reflective of our path. This design was on a basket that used to hang in a prominent place at the CAC as a symbol of our constant need to return to God as our spiritual center — and to never lose sight of that divine center, even though we all take many detours. Let us join together in doing just that as we begin our 35th year.”
—Richard Rohr

‘Man in the Maze’ carving by Westland Co.
The Center for Action and Contemplation, its Core Faculty, and Board of Directors invite you to accompany us on this journey of transformation as we do the challenging work of reclaiming our founder’s vision for action and contemplation in a time of global change and contemplative renewal.
Returning to the Center will be an opportunity to reflect together with our community on our discoveries and growing pains as an institution on the path of praxis and prayer, action and contemplation. You can expect regular updates on our progress in this work as well as institutional history, community stories, staff essays, videos, and even opportunities to contribute. You will find the latest posts on our website as well as social media and in the News from New Mexico, the CAC’s monthly newsletter. We welcome your feedback!