News From New Mexico
Poetry for When the World Burns
August 29th, 2024
Poetry saved my life. I’ve heard many poets, including myself, utter some version of this sentiment over the years. Usually, this response is given after an interviewer asks a question like, “What is saving your life right now?” or “What is sustaining you these days?” The fact that questions such as these
Seeing Beyond Ourselves in August’s We Conspire Series
August 21st, 2024
“Watch yourself objectively, calmly, and compassionately. From this most positive and dignified position, we can let go of, and even easily admit, our wrongs.” —Richard Rohr
How do we see ourselves and others more clearly? When we are perceiving the world through the fog of ego and compulsive actions, we can
Seeing the World in a Ray of Light
August 21st, 2024
Once we recognize we are part of the whole—how do we change our own actions? Learn how each prayer calls us into deeper purpose in this beautiful contemporary reflection on the wisdom of Saint Benedict from Katie Gordon of Monasteries of the Heart.
One summer evening, I stood with a friend outside a hermitage
Reaching Out to the Unseen and Unheard
August 21st, 2024
How do we offer more love and understanding to our neighbors? Chrystal McCowan, Program Director of of Neighbor’s Table: Transformative Justice, reflects on the scriptural mandate to love, fully, wholly—and better. Find the courage to take a hard look at the lives of those who have been impacted by the criminal
Embracing Spiritualities of Imperfection
August 21st, 2024
What attachments are you ready to release? This month’s We Conspire series, we’re diving into the legacy of William Griffith Wilson, better known as Bill W., the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and the architect of the 12 Steps.
Many of us have first or second-hand experience with the 12 Steps, but
Your Guide to Navigating Life’s Changes with Spiritual Grounding
August 13th, 2024
When we begin shifting into a new life phase, we can often feel confused and vulnerable. Yet, while often difficult and intimidating, major life events can also offer us deep learning and transformation. Whether you are facing an empty nest or becoming a parent, getting married or divorced, or dealing with illness and
Discovering Pathways to the True Self in July’s We Conspire Series
July 24th, 2024
Who are you, really? Whether you have been on a journey to answer this question for years or whether you have just begun, we invite you to join us this month in reflecting on our True Self. From Thomas Merton to Henri Nouwen, contemplative thinkers offer us the possibility that the image of ourselves we present to
Walking Through the Transformative Fire
July 24th, 2024
How have the fires in your life transformed you? In many spiritual traditions, transformation has been likened to an encounter with fire—first, we experience disorientation and pain, but in the end, we experience a truer version of ourselves.
In this moving conversation between Mirabai Starr and Jacqui Lewis on
Finding the Love that Never Leaves
July 24th, 2024
How do you tune in to the messages of your Divine indwelling? In this thoughtful reflection, author Tasha Jun explores ways for us to reconnect with our own sense of the Divine that is available to us—again and again—throughout our lives.
The first time I heard that God was with me—that I couldn’t be
Revealing the True Self in Solitude and Silence
July 24th, 2024
How do we avoid the distortions of our false self? Discover the lived experience and life’s work of the beloved contemporary contemplative author, Henri Nouwen, in this biographical reflection by Wendy Vanderwal Martin, Development Director of the Henri Nouwen Society.
Henri Nouwen distilled the wisdom of