New We Conspire articles now available!

This month, our We Conspire articles explore the impact of empire’s co-opting of Christianity through stories and wisdom from the Christian contemplative movement. The end of this email includes a specially curated practice that invites us to apply this knowledge to our daily lives.

The Roots of Christianity and Empire
It takes effort to recover the nonviolent ethic of love and forgiveness when Christianity serves empire.
What happens to Christianity when it serves empire over God? CAC librarian Lee Staman invites us on a journey to the earliest days of Christianity’s marriage to empire.

Walking Humbly with God for Justice
Contemplation and action can open doors to changing systems of domination and oppression.
What are the actions that take you beyond belief and into action? Franciscan Action Network (FAN) Executive Director Michele Dunne shares her experience at the June 18 Poor People’s Campaign March on Washington and to the Polls.

Bringing Our Focus Back to Love
A contemplative mind allows us to truly see how ideas about “sin” became the scapegoat for collective evil.
How do we live the Gospel message in a world that often seems to not only accept, but even prefer violence, social injustice, poverty, and many other systems of oppression?