God sent Jesus into the world as the One who would personify that union—who would put human and divine, matter and spirit together. That’s what we spend our whole life trying to believe: that this ordinary earthly sojourn means something. —Richard Rohr
Mary and Joseph totally trusted their inner experience of God and followed it to Bethlehem and beyond. —Richard Rohr
Solidarity with those who suffer, being there with commitment to their flourishing, is the locus of encounter with the living God. Through what is basically a prophetic stance, one shares in the passion of God for the world. —Elizabeth Johnson
We’re welcome to understand Jesus as more than a prophet, but we should never understand him as less than a prophet. It should be the core and the baseline of our understanding of who Jesus is. —Brian McLaren
Believe in yourself. You are a prophet. You are already making your migration. You have been chosen because you have been born. You are a prophet because you are awake. You are a keeper of revelation: a person with a thought that may create a new world.
—Steven Charleston
We need the wisdom of a “full prophet,” one who can love and yet criticize, one who can speak their words of correction out of an experience of gratitude, not anger. We have to pray to God to teach us that. —Richard Rohr
Week Fifty-Two Practice
Prayer for Prophets
CAC faculty Dr. Barbara Holmes prays for the prophetic spirit to arise:
Where, O where, are the prophets, when we need them, O Lord?
Where are the brave ones who will speak truth to power?
Where are the anointed women and men who will refuse weapons of war?
Where are the women who stand at the cross in silent resistance against the systems that execute and crucify?
Where, O where, are the prophets?
We bring this entreaty to you today because you are our God.
Help us to become prophetic in action, prophetic in witness, prophetic in love.
In Jesus’ name.
Adapted from Barbara A. Holmes, “We Shall Also Be Prophets,” Living School Symposium (Albuquerque, NM: Center for Action and Contemplation, 2022). Unpublished transcript.
Image credit: Madison Frambes, Untitled 8 (detail), 2023, naturally dyed paper and ink, Mexico, used with permission. Click here to enlarge image.
The prophetic path is a daily choice to walk along an ever-unfolding landscape.