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Center for Action and Contemplation

Transformation and Identity

July 6th, 2023
Transformation and Identity

Larry Baker lives in Carmel, Indiana with his beloved wife Patty and their fourteen-year-old Standard Poodle Deuce. His interests include the CAC, meditation, philanthropy, studying and learning, nature, travel, golf, music, and teaching. But first, and most of all, he is passionate about God.

It was 2019, and I was watching Super Soul Sunday with Oprah Winfrey and her guest, Fr. Richard Rohr. I had heard of Fr. Richard but had not been exposed to his teachings. So, when Oprah referenced the first chapter of The Universal Christ and said, “Christ is not Jesus’ last name,” I physically jumped off my chair and let out some sort of cheer. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! A Catholic priest was proclaiming a truth that I, a “recovering” Catholic, had come to learn but thought it to be heretical to common understanding and accepted dogma.

I bought the Kindle version of the book immediately. It was the beginning of an ongoing consumption of and love affair with Fr. Richard’s books, recordings, and podcasts that continues to this day.

In that interview with Oprah, Fr. Richard begins by saying he was “going for broke” in writing The Universal Christ. He said that he had nothing to lose and nothing to gain, and he had to say what his life had taught him. For myself, and the many thousands of others who have heard his messages, and for those who have not yet but will, and for those who experience change in their lives through his teachings, we thank him for his courage, wisdom, love, and life.

Fr. Richard’s life and gifts have created a foundation for us to build on through the wonderful organization he founded and nurtured—the Center for Action and Contemplation. The CAC will enable us to continue supporting his work to attain his vision and purpose and, more importantly, God’s mission, through him, for all humanity.

In my first conversation with Ben Keesey, CAC’s Development Director, he asked me what words came to mind when thinking about Fr. Richard’s teachings. (Ben asks great questions!) My answer was immediate. Fr. Richard says, somewhere in his teachings, that “It’s all about transformation and identity.” Those words really resonate with me. They provide such clarity and opportunity for action!

Fr. Richard’s teachings have been a catalyst of transformation and spiritual evolution in my life, and they have helped awaken and guide me to my True Self, my True Identity. Having those as process and purpose, everything else seems to fall into place.

We stand on the foundation and platform Fr. Richard has built. We are his ambassadors, his emissaries, his mouth and hands. We are called! It’s time for us to be bold, to have courage. It’s up to us. Fr. Richard, in one of his many works, states that the second coming of the Christ is you and me. We must honor Fr. Richard by going out and continuing his work. And when we do, we can help accelerate the transformation and evolution of humankind and help bring about the promise of Jesus’ Good News of God’s reign.

I am committed, in heart and in action, to the vision and mission of the CAC and to continue to learn and grow to help advance what Fr. Richard has created over his lifetime.

This reflection appears in the Spring 2023 issue of the Mendicant, our quarterly donor newsletter.

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