News From New Mexico
Transformation Over Transaction
November 10th, 2022
Transformation Over Transaction has been the grounding philosophy of CAC’s Engagement Team since 2017. As marketing and communications professionals, we hold a complex and, at times, controversial post. We all know the digital world casts a large shadow, which is why our engagement campaigns prioritize audience
Discover the Deeper Connections of AND in This Month’s We Conspire Articles
November 2nd, 2022
Thirty-five years ago, Fr. Richard Rohr founded the Center for Action and Contemplation to help people on the path of praxis and prayer, action and contemplation.
This month our We Conspire series explores the opportunities and challenges the and presents in our own lives. The end of this email includes a curated
Living in Gratitude for Mother Earth
November 2nd, 2022
Thirty-five years ago, Fr. Richard Rohr founded the Center for Action and Contemplation to help people on the path of praxis and prayer, action and contemplation. This month our We Conspire series explores the opportunities and challenges the and presents in our own lives.
Joan Brown, OSF, is a Franciscan sister
Shifting from Separation to Oneness
November 2nd, 2022
When Fr. Richard Rohr founded CAC in 1987, he believed that people need both action and contemplation to have a whole spiritual journey. This month our We Conspire series explores the opportunities and challenges the and presents in our own lives.
Dr. Vandana Shiva is an Indian scholar, environmental activist, food
Exploring Our Relationships with God and Money
November 2nd, 2022
As the Center for Action and Contemplation’s founder Fr. Richard Rohr has said many times, the most important word in our title is neither action nor contemplation, but the word and. This month our We Conspire series explores the opportunities and challenges the and presents in our own lives.
How do you create
Carrying Richard Rohr’s Work Forward
October 20th, 2022
Father Richard Rohr founded the Center for Action and Contemplation (CAC) in October of 1987. Envisioning a “school for prophets” at the intersection of praxis and prayer, he created the CAC to be an educational nonprofit that introduces spiritual seekers to the Christian contemplative path of transformation.
Celebrating 35 Years of Action and Contemplation
October 7th, 2022
After I had been engaged for fourteen years in a community of committed members, I deliberately wanted to do something different in New Mexico. Our main intention was not to found a community, but to gather people who had a vision of service to the world, to train them and make them qualified for this work. We were
We Are More Than Separate Observers
September 28th, 2022
It is a hard truth that most of our human experience is spent in a state of perpetual fragmentation and separateness. It seems our built-in survival mechanism is to split reality and create dualistic categories for safety and control. Our lived experience is a private island, convinced that we ourselves are
Seeking Divine Friendship in the Other
September 28th, 2022
“I like your good vibrations,” she said confidently. And by she, I mean Victoria, a well-known santera from our town.
A santera is a woman who practices Santeria, “a pantheistic Afro-Cuban religion developed from the beliefs and customs of the Yoruba people and incorporating some elements of the Catholic
Finding God in the Criminal Justice System
September 28th, 2022
How do we inspire others to see God in those society forgets, oppresses, or denies? CAC Living School student Sara Ofner-Seals, associate pastor at Plymouth Congregational Church in Fort Wayne, IN., invites us to explore the intentional and unintentional ways we “other” those around us by sharing her experience