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Center for Action and Contemplation

Carrying the Work Forward 

February 15th, 2023
Carrying the Work Forward 

A few months ago, CAC Faculty Brian McLaren reflected on what he believes has made Richard Rohr’s work so special over the years. Among the many elements of Fr. Richard’s teaching that Brian honored, he summarized “three phenomenal gifts” that Fr. Richard has consistently offered:  

  1. The articulation of an alternative orthodoxy 
  1. The offering to experience, not just learn about, the Christian contemplative tradition 
  1. The integration of Christian faith with action 

Brian ended his reflection with this incredible quote: 

To keep this creative work going, Richard has said again and again that he doesn’t want CAC to become a monument to the past, but he wants it to be a continuing movement. That means, with our existing faculty and future faculty, we need to keep the same momentum, vitality, and robustness of intellectual, spiritual, and theological work going to keep the momentum going. I think this is the greatest way we honor Richard’s beautiful legacy. 

One way we hope to illustrate the collective spirit and momentum of the CAC community is to have the 2023 issues of The Mendicant feature articles from donors, staff, and Living School students. We are inviting contributors to write about how they have been impacted by Fr. Richard’s teachings and how they plan to carry that impact forward into the future. As you will see, each article is quite unique because, wonderfully, the impact of this work is different for each. 

Thank you for your ongoing commitment to the contemplative life and CAC’s mission. We deeply appreciate your partnership and look forward to discovering together what unfolds in the rest of 2023.  

In gratitude,  

Ben Keesey 
Director of Development and Partnerships 
Center for Action and Contemplation

The following reflections appear in the Winter 2023 issue of the Mendicant, our quarterly donor newsletter. 

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