The Wisdom Tradition
Summary: Sunday, January 4-Friday, January 9, 2015
What I teach is true not because “Richard Rohr says so.” This wisdom is grounded in the unchanging yet ever fresh and relevant themes of a mature spirituality. (Sunday)
Unity is the reconciliation of differences, and those differences must be maintained—and yet overcome! You must actually distinguish things and separate them before you can spiritually unite them. (Monday)
“The real Source of Wisdom lies in a higher or more vivid realm of divine consciousness that is neither behind us nor ahead of us but always surrounding us.” –Cynthia Bourgeault (Tuesday)
All that a true spiritual teacher really does is “second the motions” of the primal and ever present Holy Spirit. (Wednesday)
An alternative orthodoxy is never stingy with grace or inclusion because it has surrendered to a God who is infinitely magnanimous and creative in the ways of love and mercy. (Thursday)
“Through the practice of deep looking and deep listening, we become free, able to see the beauty and values in our own and others’ traditions.” –Thich Nhat Hanh (Friday)
Practice: Audio and Lectio Divina
Audio Divina
Listen to this passage read from The Book of Wisdom, accompanied by flute, marimba, and keyboard. You might follow the same steps as described below for lectio divina. Click here to listen. (“Meditations on Wisdom,” Transformations, by Matthew Pennington and John Pennington; used with permission.)
Click the play button to listen:
Lectio Divina
With the first reading, listen with your heart’s ear for a phrase or word that stands out for you. During the second reading, reflect on what touches you, perhaps speaking that response aloud or writing in a journal. Third, respond with a prayer or expression of what you have experienced and what it calls you to. Fourth, rest in silence after the reading.
And now I understand everything, hidden or visible,
for Wisdom, the designer of all things, has instructed me.
For within her is a spirit intelligent, holy,
unique, manifold, subtle,
mobile, incisive, unsullied,
lucid, invulnerable, benevolent, shrewd,
irresistible, beneficent, friendly to human beings,
steadfast, dependable, unperturbed,
almighty, all-surveying,
penetrating all intelligent, pure and most subtle spirits.
For Wisdom is quicker to move than any motion;
she is so pure, she pervades and permeates all things.
She is a breath of the power of God,
pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty;
so nothing impure can find its way into her.
For she is a reflection of the eternal light,
untarnished mirror of God’s active power,
and image of his goodness.
Although she is alone, she can do everything;
herself unchanging, she renews the world,
and, generation after generation, passing into holy souls,
she makes them into God’s friends and prophets;
for God loves only those who dwell with Wisdom.
She is indeed more splendid than the sun,
she outshines all the constellations;
compared with light, she takes first place,
for light must yield to night,
but against Wisdom evil cannot prevail.
– The Book of Wisdom 7:21-30 (The New Jerusalem Bible)
Gateway to Silence:
Wisdom pervades and penetrates all things.
For Further Study
Things Hidden: Scripture As Spirituality
“The Perennial Tradition,” Oneing, Vol. 1 No. 1