The Bible: A Text in Travail
Summary: Sunday, February 8-Friday, February 13, 2015
The Bible doesn’t just give you the conclusions (which is what we want), but it does reveal some basic patterns of Divine Intrusion in to the world and thus creates a tangent for history. (Sunday)
Looking at which Scripture passages Jesus emphasizes shows he understands how to connect the “three steps forward” dots that confirm the God he has met, knows, loves, and trusts. (Monday)
The Bible was written in faith and it can be understood only in faith. It cannot be read cynically (liberals) nor literally (conservatives), which are merely two different forms of rationalism to keep ourselves in control. (Tuesday)
In order to interpret each individual passage properly, the whole trajectory—or golden thread—of the Bible must be honored. (Wednesday)
The Bible in its totality, from Genesis to Revelation, mirrors the development of human consciousness, with its usual pattern of progression and regression. (Thursday)
Grace is inherent to our dignity as human beings. Jesus learned that and dared to believe it from both the Jewish Scriptures and from his own God experience. (Friday)
Practice: Reading Love between the Lines
On this Valentine’s Day, open the eyes of your heart to see the evidence of God’s love all around. Let your attention focus on a particular passage of a sacred text, a person, a sensation, or an experience during your day.
As your awareness sharpens, allow the clutter of surface meaning, labels, and reflexive reaction to recede into the background. Wait in silence, simply witnessing without critique. Gradually take all of it in. If it’s a written passage, savor the words slowly and aloud, re-reading it a few times (lectio divina). If a person or creature, observe all the visible qualities and be sensitive to the undercurrent of energy present as well. If a feeling or emotion, notice how this shows up in your body. Welcome what is.
After several minutes, ask your inner witness where it sees Love in this moment. Let your heart’s eyes open even wider to see that both you and this small piece of reality are part of the Divine Reality of Love. Rest in this knowing. . . . Say thanks.
Gateway to Silence:
Seeing with eyes of love
For Further Study:
Hierarchy of Truths: Jesus’ Use of Scripture (CD, MP3 download)
Things Hidden: Scripture as Spirituality