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Center for Action and Contemplation

Alumni Newsletter – February 2016

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Alumni Newsletter
February 2016

A Note from the Director

Just a few short months ago we–the first cohort of the Living School program–were given “this little piece of paper” at our sending ceremony, affirming we had spent two years integrating the wisdom of the Perennial Tradition within the community of the Living School for Action and Contemplation. The faculty and staff hope the time spent within the formal setting of the Living School has “fallen on rich soil and will bear fruit, thirty, sixty, and a hundredfold” (Matthew 13:8) for you, your family, and those whom you are called to serve.

Now that you have been sent into the University of the Great Unknowing, we want you to know that you are not alone. We hold you in our thoughts and prayers, and we also seek to actively support your continued journey of bringing your unique embodiment of Spirit into a suffering world.

The quarterly alumni newsletter is one way we can stay in touch and encourage each other. In this inaugural issue, Fr. Richard shares a personal reflection with you and Carolyn offers an invitation to submit your own news for our next newsletter. Learn about opportunities to keep learning and growing, as well as connecting with some of the alumni in your cohort. I also encourage you to join the active conversation in our private Living School Facebook group. (If you haven’t yet become a member, log into Facebook and click here; then select +Join. Please note it may take a few days for your request to be approved.)

Peace and Every Good,
Tom Eberle's Signature

Dr. Tom Eberle
2015 Cohort and CAC’s Director of Education

Faculty Reflection – Richard Rohr

Dear Alumnus or Alumna,

This is my first opportunity to address you as alumni of the Living School, and I am honored to do so. I am grateful that you trusted and stayed with the sometimes grueling process and curriculum of the two-year program. We–the faculty and staff–have learned so much from you, as I hope you have also, alongside us.

It surely has been a wonderful experiment in teaching a contemplative way of knowing and living. That is the heart of the matter for us, and it underlies our approach to Scripture, the Big Tradition, and our own inner experience. . . . Click here to continue reading Fr. Richard’s letter.



You may also be interested in Romal Tune’s interview with Fr. Richard on White Privilege. Click here to read the article at

An Invitation to Share

Dear “Sendees” in the world,

It’s been almost six months since you each walked onto the stage at the Tamaya and had a stole draped over your shoulder sending you back out to be who you are in service to Love in your part of the globe. We want to hear from you about how you are engaging in the contemplative work of loving passionately. Tell us what’s going on in your life and vocation! How have the last two years been a support or a challenge in your interactions?

In future editions of this newsletter we would like to help you tell your story. You might write a brief reflection (under 500 words), record an audio or video segment (under 10 minutes), or send us pictures. We’ll select a handful of stories each quarter to share on CAC’s website, on the Living School Facebook page, and in the newsletter. Click here to take a peek at a few examples and to learn more about how to make submissions. If you would like to offer your story for consideration in the May newsletter, please send your contribution to [email protected] by April 25.

We would also like to hear more about what might be helpful to you in a newsletter. We don’t envision the traditional “Rah rah, Send money” kind of publication, but something really engaging. Please help us shape that. And as you continue to reflect on your Living School experience, if you think there is something that would be helpful for us to know, please feel free to send that also to [email protected].

Please also know that I’m available for conversation and spiritual direction. I welcome opportunities to listen and to reflect with you upon how God is present in your life.

You continue to be part of our Living School family, wherever you may be.

In peace,

The Rev. Carolyn W. Metzler
Spiritual Life Coordinator, Living School
505-242-9588, Ext. 124, [email protected]

We Want to Heart from You!

Please let us know how this newsletter might support you as you live the Living School in your everyday life. Send your comments and suggestions to [email protected].


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