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Center for Action and Contemplation
Richard Rohr Smiling In Front Of A Group Of Trees
CAC Founder

Richard Rohr

Franciscan friar and ecumenical teacher, Father Richard Rohr bears witness to the deep wisdom of Christian mysticism and traditions of action and contemplation. Founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation, Father Richard teaches how God’s grace guides us to our birthright as beings made of Divine Love. He is the author of numerous books, including The Universal Christ, The Wisdom Pattern, Just This, and Falling Upward.

You can find him on Twitter @RichardRohrOFM.

Order Your Copy! “The Tears of Things” by Richard Rohr 

In his first major work since “The Universal Christ,” Richard Rohr offers a hope-filled model for the world today, grounded in the timeless wisdom of the Hebrew prophets. 

Daily Meditations

A Simple Practice A Simple Practice

A Simple Practice

Richard Rohr encourages regular contemplative practice.   To live in the present moment requires a change in our inner posture. Instead of expanding or shoring up our…


The Tears of Things with Pete Enns The Tears of Things with Pete Enns

The Tears of Things with Pete Enns

How can we find wisdom amidst outrage and connect with the divine in the face of suffering? In this episode, we’re exploring the self-titled first chapter of Richard’s latest…

CAC Publishing

In the revised and updated edition of “Falling Upward,” Richard Rohr helps readers come to terms with the two halves of life — featuring a new foreword from Brené Brown.

Daily Meditations

Wisdom from Richard Rohr

Read Daily Meditations inspired by the words of Richard Rohr.

“Love is the source and goal, faith is the slow process of getting there, and hope is the willingness to move forward without resolution and closure.”


An illustration of Venus, Richard's late black labrador retriever.

A Story From Richard

Just days before I began “The Universal Christ,” I learned that my fifteen-year-old black lab, Venus, was dying. She would gaze at me as if to say that all sadness—be it cosmic, human, or canine—is one and the same. This realization softens our overly defended hearts. Knowing we all carry hurt makes it hard to be cruel to anyone—it makes us one.

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