The Cosmic Christ: Week 2
Summary: Sunday, October 30-Friday, November 4, 2016
The mystery of Christ is revealed, and the Christ “comes again,” whenever we are able to see the spiritual and the material coexisting, in any moment, in any event, and in any person. (Sunday)
Jesus did not come to create a country club or a tribe of people who could say, “We’re in and you’re out. We’ve got the truth and you don’t.” Jesus came to reveal something that was true everywhere, for everyone, and all the time. (Monday)
Christ is the name for the very shape and meaning of the universe. Jesus reveals this wonderful message in human form, showing us the full meaning of our own lives—in a way that we could love and admire. (Tuesday)
Instead of believing that Jesus came to personally fulfill you privately, how about trusting that you are here to fulfill Christ? You are a part of this movement of an ever-growing Cosmic Christ that is coming to be in this “one great act of giving birth.” (Wednesday)
Teilhard de Chardin writes: “Everything that rises must converge.” In other words, higher levels of evolution are always a movement toward greater unity. (Thursday)
There is a cruciform shape to reality, it seems, and loss precedes all renewal, emptiness makes way for every new infilling, every transformation in the universe requires the surrendering of a previous “form.” (Friday)
Practice: Moving Beyond Matter
Look around you and notice your surroundings at this moment. Let your eyes fall on some object—perhaps a candle, tree, rock, or creature. Simply observe the object, without judging or labeling. Give your full attention, senses, and presence to this object.
Gradually let your gaze soften and take in the more-than-matter-ness that is also here. Deepen your awareness of God’s presence within this thing and within you.
Rest in silence for several minutes (or continue with a longer time of contemplative prayer) and then turn your gaze to bless the rest of the room, landscape, and world in which you find yourself, one in Love.
Gateway to Silence:
Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.
Richard Rohr, A Spring Within Us: Daily Meditations (CAC: 2016), 36.
For Further Study:
Richard Rohr, Christ, Cosmology & Consciousness: A Reframing of How We See (MP3 download)
Richard Rohr, The Cosmic Christ (CD, MP3 download)