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Center for Action and Contemplation

Revolution Stories

Friday, October 20, 2023
Length: 00:37:00
Size: 40mb

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“If you want a better world, tell a better story — especially one that centers justice without vengeance.” –Gareth Higgins 

How do we tell stories that offer us the best chance of creating a more peaceful and loving reality? In this episode of Learning How to See, we’re exploring stories of revolution. Although these tales often contain values of heroism and liberty, they are more likely to feed into the cycle of violence rather than end it. 


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Meet the Guest Co-Host

Gareth Higgins was born in Belfast in 1975, grew up during the northern Ireland Troubles, and now lives in the US. He writes and speaks about the power of storytelling to shape our lives and world, peace and making justice, and how to take life seriously without believing your own propaganda. He has been involved in peace-building and violence reduction in northern Ireland and helping address the legacy of conflict, received a Ph.D. in Sociology from Queen’s University Belfast, and helped teach the world’s first graduate course in Reconciliation Studies at Trinity College Dublin.

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