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Center for Action and Contemplation

Contemplation With Carmen Acevedo Butcher

Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Length: 01:20:00
Size: 120mb

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Special thanks to Hammock for composing the original score for Everything Belongs.

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How does contemplation invite you to see the world, and yourself, differently?

In this episode, we’re joined by CAC Affiliate Faculty member Carmen Acevedo Butcher. Together, we continue our chapter-by-chapter exploration of Eager to Love with Chapter 5: “Contemplation: A New Way of Seeing.” In this conversation, we explore the meaning and practice of contemplation, how it can be practiced in various forms, and how a contemplative perspective can transform one’s relationship to the world. Before Mike and Paul begin the conversation with Carmen, Mike and Paul catch up with Richard at his hermitage to hear his reflections on the fifth chapter of Eager to Love.

Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD, is an award-winning author, poet, and translator of spiritual texts. She teaches at UC Berkeley, focusing on language evolution and inclusive communication. Her work highlights the power of words and the connection between personal and global healing.

Hosted by CAC Staff: Mike Petrow, Paul Swanson, and Drew Jackson


Meet the Guest

Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD, is an author, teacher, poet, and award-winning translator of spiritual texts. Her dynamic work around the evolution of language and the necessity of just and inclusive language has garnered interest from various media, including the BBC and NPR’s Morning Edition. A Carnegie Foundation Professor of the Year and Fulbright Senior Lecturer, Acevedo Butcher teaches at the University of California, Berkeley, in the College Writing Programs.

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