Stories that Wound, Stories that Heal: An Online Gathering with Brian McLaren
Which stories accompany you in the important moments of your life? Explore biblical narratives, which may seem hidden, yet are woven deeply into the fabric of our modern lives in Stories that Wound, Stories that Heal: An Online Gathering with Brian McLaren, Thursday, September 28, 2023, from 10am– 11:30am PT (Pacific Time). Learn to see the Bible not as a repository of abstract doctrines but as a source of timely narratives that continue to shape our world today.
LIVE on Thursday, September 28, 2023
10am – 11:30am PT
Featuring Brian McLaren
Presented by the Center for Action and Contemplation
This event will be recorded. All registrants will have access to the replay for one full year.
“Both religion and the secular can be holy, and both can be desecrated. The religious and the secular are not two things, but one: life.”
—Brian McLaren
A literary scholar and former pastor, CAC faculty Brian McLaren has identified seven story patterns that appear again and again both in the Bible and our modern lives. Learn how identifying these seemingly hidden story patterns can reframe the Bible as a living, breathing narrative – one that mirrors our experiences, aspirations, and search for meaning.
This online gathering will explore the seven-story framework as a way of interpreting Biblical wisdom for our dynamic modern lives. A detailed agenda and event access information will be sent closer to the event date. Participants will need a device with reliable Internet access, such as a smartphone, tablet, or computer to access the online gathering.
“I used to think that things were real, and change was something that happened to them over time. Now I think that change is real, and things are events that happen over time. Change is the constant and things come and go, appear, and disappear.”
—Brian McLaren, Do I Stay Christian?
Registration for this event is open from August 24 through September 26, 2023. This event will be recorded. All registrants will have access to the replay for one full year.
The cost of attending this online gathering is $95. We believe that finances should not be a barrier to participation. For that reason, we have made three additional price levels available at $30 and $10, or you can choose any amount above $5. We encourage you to select the price you are most able to afford.
Featured Teacher
Brian D. McLaren is a champion for a more loving, inclusive, and contemplative Christianity. He is the author of “Do I Stay Christian?”, “Faith After Doubt,” and host of CAC’s podcast “Learning How to See“. His newest book, “Cory and the Seventh Story,” out this fall, introduces children to the power of sharing stories of love and belonging.
This event will be recorded. All registrants will have access to the replay for one full year.
Gather with us to explore the essential stories that shape our lives. If you have any questions, contact our Community Engagement team.