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Center for Action and Contemplation
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CONSPIRE Teacher Talks #4

Preparing Your Sacred Space

For many of us, engaging with this deeply reflective material and with each other online might be new or intimidating. In this fourth email in our CONSPIRE Teacher Talks series, we’ll explore ways to create a sacred space in your home that may be helpful grounding in a virtual gathering.


You may want to take time to explore, experiment, and create your own sacred physical space before and even during CONSPIRE. Our goal is to help you create a physical space that invites you to feel vulnerable, safe, and inspired. Sometimes it is helpful to start by reconnecting with our physical bodies.

Join CONSPIRE presenter Mirabai Starr in this 11-minute practice to rest in stillness. By holding our inhale, we can reconnect with our bodies and use the breath as a gateway to the Divine.

Listen to the Body’s Wisdom

Whenever you feel any kind of disconnect, consider first reconnecting with the body by:

  • Moving, however your body is able. Stand up, stretch, turn in a circle, do a dance, hug yourself, or simply place your hand over your heart as you breathe deeply.
  • Closing your eyes and staying present to your physical self. Feel the breath in your nostrils, the air in your lungs, the heart beating in your chest, the ground or seat supporting you.

Whatever practice you choose, try to stay with the physical sensation and out of your head for a moment. As the path of the Alternative Orthodoxy shows us, it’s the connection to the whole that entices personhood.

Cultivate a Sacred Space

Have you decided where in your physical space you will be watching and participating in the conference? Please join us in a deep reflection on the following questions:

  • What mutual agreements do you need to make to facilitate this time?
  • What can you do to curate a space that will feel safe, spacious, and sacred?
  • What can you furnish the space with to support your focus and serenity?

Set an intention to enter your space with the resolve that your time there will be special and transformative.

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