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Center for Action and Contemplation
CORE faculty

James Finley

Student of Thomas Merton and clinical psychologist, Dr. James Finley teaches how connecting to our Divine indwelling can transcend fear and shame and awaken to our True Self. A faculty member at the Center for Action and Contemplation, he is the author of Merton’s Palace of Nowhere and The Contemplative Heart, and the host of CAC’s podcast Turning to the Mystics.

What’s New

New Season of James Finley’s Podcast 

James Finley’s podcast “Turning To The Mystics” returns for its 11th season! This spring, turn to the trustworthy guidance found in the teachings of the French philosopher Gabriel Marcel. 

Turning to the Mystics with James Finley

Daily Meditations

Rhineland Mystics: Weekly Summary Rhineland Mystics: Weekly Summary

Rhineland Mystics: Weekly Summary

SundayIn theological study one can easily get trapped inside of endless discussions about abstract ideas with little emphasis on experience or practice. In contrast, mystics…


Gabriel Marcel: Session 1 Gabriel Marcel: Session 1

Gabriel Marcel: Session 1

This is the first session that focuses on philosopher Gabriel Marcel. In the tenor of the ancient practice of Lectio Divina, James Finley reads passages from Kenneth T….

CAC Publishing

CAC Publishing

Free Audio Teachings

Drawing on his experience as a clinical psychologist and his knowledge of the Christian mystics, James outlines seven steps that intentionally invite spirituality into the healing encounter in these free audio recordings.

An illustration of a chamberstick with a lit candle in front of a paned window with a crescent moon.

A Story From Jim

My father was a violent alcoholic. Through my mother, a devout Catholic, I kept myself tethered to the presence of God. Sometimes, when having to endure the worst, yet finding God in the darkest place, you are liberated from the tyranny of shame over your heart. Where anguish and ecstasy intersect, it becomes incandescent—it becomes oneness.

“At the deepest level, it does not really matter where you seek this path because it is everywhere”

– Dr. James FInley

Daily Meditations

Wisdom from James Finley

Read Daily Meditations inspired by the words of James Finley.

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